
Contains the listener interfaces for all SDK callbacks.


PMBackgroundListener Implement this interface if you want to be kept informed about all SDK interactions. 
PMConsumePreauthListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a preauthorization has been consumed. 
PMConsumeTransListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a transaction has been consumed. 
PMGenerateTokenListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a token has been generated. 
PMGetPreauthListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a preauthorization has been retrieved. 
PMGetTransListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a transaction has been retrieved. 
PMInitListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when the SDK has been initialized. 
PMListNotConsPreauthsListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when the list of not consumed preauthorizations has been retrieved. 
PMListNotConsTransListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when the list of of not consumed transactions has been retrieved. 
PMListPaymentsListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a list of payments has been received from the Safe Store. 
PMListPreauthsListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when the list of of preauthorizations has been retrieved from the Safe Store. 
PMListTransListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when the list of of transactions has been retrieved. 
PMNewDeviceIdListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a new deviceId has been retrieved. 
PMPaymentDeletedListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a payment has been deleted from the Safe Store. 
PMPaymentsAvailListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed for the result of a arePaymentsAvailable call that checks for payments availability on the Safe Store. 
PMPaymentSavedListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a payment has been saved on the Safe Store. 
PMPreauthListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a preauthorization has been created. 
PMResetPaymentsListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed for the result of a resetPayments call that resets the password and payments on the Safe Store. 
PMTransListener Implement this interface in your UI to be kept informed, when a transaction has been created.